As documented in the film, Plant Pure Nation, reversal of type 2 diabetes, lowered cholesterol and lowered blood pressure are just a few of the life-changing results of switching to a whole food plant-based diet for life, in as quickly as only a few weeks.
Watch PlantPure Nation to see the testimonials of people whose health and lives were transformed just by changing the foods they eat.
(Links to view the film PlantPure Nation will follow at the end of this post.)
Particularly moving in the film is the story of a woman from the Mebane, North Carolina area, Patty Jones, the owner of a daycare center, who had previously been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and prescribed diabetes drugs and related paraphanalia to go along with the diagnosis. She had just been told by her medical doctor that the next step was that she would now have to start taking insulin, too. “She told me, your next step is insulin. She told me there is no cure for diabetes. She told me, ‘Type 2 diabetes, there is no cure, Patty.’ And when I left that doctor’s office that day, I was discouraged, and I was depressed.” (PlantPure Nation, Youtube link below, beginning at 44:23).
She did not want this to be her health destiny: who would?
When Patty went to church that very day, before any insulin prescription(s) had been filled, she found that her pastor had invited Nelson Campbell, the creator/director of the documentary film Plant Pure Nation (in progress/being filmed at that time), to speak to the congregation at her church.
Nelson Campbell is the son of Dr. T. Colin Campbell, the world-famous biochemist who specializes in the effect of nutrition on long-term health, and best-selling author of The China Study and many other best-selling books.
As the Executive Producer, Director and Co-Writer of the documentary film PlantPure Nation, Nelson Campbell collaborated on the film with his father to examine the political and economic factors that suppress information about the benefits of plant-based nutrition, and the implications for public policy, medical practice, farming, and food “deserts” (places where fresh, wholesome nutritious whole plant foods are not readily available within walking/bus distance).
That weekend Nelson Campbell spoke to her and her entire church congregation in Mebane, NC about the power of whole food plant-based nutrition to reverse disease and prevent disease, including type 2 diabetes.
She took the opportunity to join in the PlantPure Nation film-in-progress’ invitation to eat this way for ten days. Participants picked up the delicious, healthy meals prepared for them, from a restaurant on the quaint main street of the little town of Mebane, NC.
At the beginning and end of the ten days, each participant’s blood was drawn and blood work run / biometric testing (before and after), in order to quantify the results of eating this way for just ten days.
Even the head of the blood testing company who ran the blood work for the ten-day PlantPure Nation documentary’s “JumpStart” meal programs in Mebane, NC expressed astonishment at the results. He was amazed by the dramatic, positive effects that resulted simply from nutrition, when the PlantPure participants switched to eating the prepared-for-them whole food plant-based meals for ten days. The health benefits include all areas of health, including heart health. Eating this way not only can reverse type 2 diabetes, but also prevent and reverse heart disease (as well as most other diseases and chronic illnesses). He said,
I have worked over the years with many of the manufacturers that make statins. And LDL is the focus. LDL is the number that they all want to bring down, because it shows improved metabolic health. And I have been testing for 26 years. We have tested MILLIONS of people, and I have NEVER seen results like this.”
PlantPure Nation, Youtube link below, at 51:53.
It is critical that any type 2 diabetic who switches to healthy nutrition and makes “diet and lifestyle” changes must work closely under the supervision of their medical doctor so that the diabetes drugs can be reduced and eliminated, to the extent and level that they are no longer needed.
Continuing to take the diabetes drugs after a person has reversed the need for them would be very dangerous, so their doctors must closely monitor their progress as they switch to whole food plant-based healthy nutrition.
In this case, Patty Jones, the Mebane, NC woman featured in “PlantPure Nation” who reversed her type 2 diabetes (after only ten days of eating the prepared-for-her whole food plant-based meals) had not yet even filled the prescription for insulin, since she had just received the prescription earlier the same day Nelson Campbell came to speak at her church.
After making the switch to whole food plant-based nutrition for life she happily pointed out in the film that she never needed to fill the prescription.
In PlantPure Nation, Patty Jones also describes how her favorite foods are fruits, and that now that she switched to whole food plant-based nutrition, she is able to eat them again with no problem.
My favorite foods are fruits. And being on the plant-based diet, I can eat my fruits now, without running my blood sugar numbers up out of the sky. They started out at 340, 350, when I first started. Now I am at between 125 and 130.” She continued, “Once I got back to my doctor’s office, to see my … favorite doctor … we stood in there, she’s talking, and I said, ‘You need to be telling the other patients about it. Because if it helped me, it will help them.’ She acted like she didn’t hear me.” (PlantPure Nation at 48:57 min. to 49:25 min., Youtube video link below).
She describes how her medical doctor’s reaction to her excellent results was . . . disappointing.
In response to her blood work (now showing normal, healthy readings), her medical doctor told her something like, “Great, the drugs are working. Keep taking the drugs.” Even though she had never filled the insulin prescription, never taken the insulin, and it was simply delicious healthy foods over the course of those two weeks (and going forward, for life) that had reversed the type 2 diabetes.
When she later asked her medical doctor to tell the doctor’s other [type 2 diabetic] patients that they can reverse their type 2 diabetes just by eating this way, as she did, her doctor “pretended that she couldn’t hear” what her (formerly type 2 diabetic) patient was saying to her.
The viewer gets the impression from her description that her doctor did not WANT to hear or know anything about a simple solution that did not involve a lifetime of drugs, drug paraphanalia, needles, testing, constant doctor visits, and all of the terrible maladies that type 2 diabetes can cause: heart disease, blindness, amputations, neuropathy, death from diabetes complications. Also, the side effects of the drugs and insulin, especially when taken over a long period of time.
Why wouldn’t a medical doctor welcome a solution that can so simply reverse type 2 diabetes, and all of the heartbreak and unnecessary suffering, that comes with it?
The good news is that many medical doctors now are discovering the power of whole food plant-based nutrition to cure and prevent disease, including type 2 diabetes.
In the coming days, we will post testimonials from some of these medical doctors, for example, Dr. Steve Lawenda, and Dr. Laurie Marbas, about how whole food plant-based nutrition reversed their patients’ type 2 diabetes.
We will also write about the testimonial of a medical doctor, Dr. Steve Lawenda, who received a referral for a type 1 diabetic patient who was scheduled for a foot amputation, referred by the type 1 diabetic patient’s podiatrist (foot doctor).
The foot doctor was willing to go along with the type 1 diabetic patient’s desire to at least try whole food plant-based nutrition, under the theory that, “you don’t have anything to lose to try it,” since the alternative was definitely going to be amputation.
Dr. Lawenda described how the type 1 diabetic patient had a great outcome in a short time from switching to whole food plant-based nutrition. The patient did NOT have to have his foot amputated. His foot seemingly miraculously healed within a very short time (a few weeks or less) of switching to whole food plant-based nutrition.
This type 1 diabetic patient decided to switch to whole food plant-based nutrition to save his foot. Whole food plant-based nutrition is a kind of vehicle for the miracle of renewed health — the catalyst for the miracle — in this case, saving a type 1 diabetic patient’s foot from amputation.
We will also post testimonials from medical doctors who themselves discovered the power of whole food plant-based nutrition to naturally reverse type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes — first for themselves, as in Dr. Steve Lawenda’s case, and subsequently for their patients.
Dr. Steve Lawenda learned first-hand by switching to whole food plant-based nutrition for life that nutrition could cure his own type 2 diabetes/pre-diabetes, as well as his patients’ type 2 diabetes. Dr. Lawenda is a family medicine doctor who had himself been overweight, and whose own father suffered amputations and died due to type 2 diabetes complications (before Dr. Lawenda knew about the power of nutrition to reverse type 2 diabetes). In addition to reversing his own pre-diabetes, Dr. Lawenda lost more than 75 pounds eating whole food plant-based foods, without portion control. Dr. Lawenda received his medical degree from University of California Davis School of Medicine.
In the meantime, one simple book summarizes everything you need to know to get started right now to help yourself or someone you care about reverse type 2 diabetes (under the close supervision of your own medical doctor).
Read Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s book, The End of Diabetes.
Read the Amazon testimonials from several thousand readers of The End of Diabetes, many of whom write in their Amazon customer reviews about how Dr. Fuhrman’s book helped them reverse their type 2 diabetes in only days/weeks (under the supervision of their own doctors, so that the diabetes drugs could be reduced and eventually eliminated to the extent no longer needed.)
Watch PlantPure Nation.
You can now watch PlantPure Nation FREE online on Youtube:
Learn more about how Patty Jones of Mebane, NC featured in PlantPure Nation, reversed her type 2 diabetes
Learn how everyone else who participated in the PlantPure Nation two-week meal program in Mebane, NC benefited (with astounding improved blood results) from just two weeks of switching to delicious, satisfying, healthy whole food plant-based nutrition.
What do you have to lose?
Read about how board-certified medical doctor, Dr. Steve Lawenda, reversed his pre-diabetes and now helps his patients reverse their type 2 diabetes
Learn More: What is the Cure for Type 2 Diabetes?
Read about how Kirt Tyson reversed his diabetes in the documentary Simply Raw: Reverse Diabetes in 30 Days, and then became a naturopathic doctor to help others reverse diabetes.
Read about how Jason Mraz Helped His Bandmate Reverse Type 2 Diabetes in Under 30 Days
Read about how a Florida Dad and Business Owner Reversed Diabetes Naturally in Weeks
Read about how an Ohio Mother of Five Reversed her Type 2 Diabetes and Reversed Hypertension in Weeks
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